Sunday, September 22, 2013

September's Blog Post

As you may have noticed, I've been remiss in writing blog posts in the month of September, and while I am writing now, I have no plans to write another one this month... that makes this September's one and only blog post.  Lots has been going on, which is why I haven't been writing.  Over Labor Day, we made a very quick trip to South Florida so I could go shopping with my sister.  Then we decided to go on vacation in Hawaii for a week.  We went to Maui and Kauai, which were both spectacular.  It was my first time to Hawaii, and I was not disappointed.

This is us on the road to Hana

Since being back home from vacation, hubby and I have been working on the house again.  We had bought a puzzle of old time candy wrappers and were finally able to start it (and finish it!).  This weekend, I glued it together and framed it for above the breakfast nook.  The vintage wrappers not only look delicious but add to the vibe of the kitchen. 

Here it is hung up above the breakfast nook... now we need to find things to put on that shelf above the nook

 Here's a close up of some of the candy wrappers

Also this weekend, we painted the living room!  We were beginning to feel the all white living room was a bit sterile and reminded us of an insane asylum... not the look for the center of the home.  We decided on a light brown called Churchill Hotel Maple.  The new paint job has added a warmth to the room as well as highlighted the trim and doors.  See below for a video of us making it all happen.

See you in October!