Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's been a while and tapas

Hello out there!  I return with no promises of consistent writing patterns, but a promise to always share things I feel are worth sharing.  In today's case, I thought I would tell you about Spanish tortillas.  No, I am not talking about what gets wrapped around a burrito.  A Spanish tortilla, or tortilla española, is a combination of eggs, potatoes, and optional fillings in the shape of a big, round disk.  It is so simple, but if it is done right, it can be out of this world.  I grew up eating Spanish tortillas and have distinct memories of having it packed in my lunchbox at school (thanks ma mere!).

Spanish tortilla is often found on menus at tapas bars and can be served warm or at room temperature.  When a friend asked me to bring an appetizer for her dinner party, I thought that a Spanish tortilla would be the perfect treat.  This first attempt was not pretty by any stretch of the imagination.  I slightly charred both the bottom and top of the tortilla and had to cut them off, but without the crust to stabilize the filling, many of my tortilla cubes fell apart (I was cutting them into cubes to make an easier to eat appetizer).  Although it did not look nice, the flavor was all there, and people at the dinner party enjoyed it.

A little crispy around the edges... not bad but not ideal

My second attempt, however, resulted in a much better looking meal.  Hubby had just run in the Fort Worth Zoo Run 5k, and I thought I would treat him with a fancy breakfast.  I started cooking up some potatoes and threw in some onions and cubed ham.  I was at a crossroads... I could easily serve the potatoes with eggs over easy, or I could go a step further and make a Spanish tortilla.  Hubby said go for it, and I added the eggs to the potato mixture.  I made sure to lower the heat and watch it carefully this time.  I was also making a smaller batch, which may have played a role in my success.  Regardless of the reason, the tortilla turned out perfectly.  Hubby enjoyed every bite of his post-race meal. 

Tortillas are filled in the pan, though not like pancakes

Here's a look at the inside of a slice... a mosaic of delicious-ness

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cheesey Evening

I know that I have been remiss in writing, especially after promises to write more often.  Well, there will be no more promises... hopefully, the writing will just magically happen.  Hubby and I have been busy with work and life and not exploring Fort Worth as much as we should.  In an effort to take advantage of our time here, we decided to go out to dinner somewhere new.  Magnolia Ave in Fort Worth's Near Southside neighborhood is Fort Worth's Brooklyn, bustling with new restaurants and a hipster vibe.  Although we didn't spend too much time in Brooklyn while we lived in NYC, I have a feeling it would have been totally up our alley.

I had read about the opening of Magnolia Cheese Company and knew it was a place I had to try.  Their motto is "Cheese, Wine, Learn & Dine" which I knew would be a perfect fit for a delicious dinner.  Although I was excited about checking it out, I wasn't sure what to expect besides cheese and wine.  Hubby and I were pleasantly surprised by the small menu of fresh and healthy offerings including sandwiches, salads, and a quinoa of the day. 

We decided to start out with a cheese plank... it is a cheese place after all.  The menu listed three plank options: the local, the traveler, and American artisan.  Since we were in a local mood, we decided to check out a selection of cheeses from nearby producers.  Each cheese was more delightful than the next with delicious accompaniments like wildflower honeycomb, curried pecans, and a spiced date compote that I almost licked off of the wooden plank.

Although it doesn't look like much food, the flavor explosions in our mouths left us satisfied and worried that we wouldn't make it to the main course.

Knowing that the possibility of a Dairy Queen blizzard was in my future, I played it safe and had a mixed greens salad for dinner after our cheese course.  The salad was fresh and made me feel good about my dinner choice while still feeling decadent.  Hubby even remarked that he would come back for lunch just for the salad.  While I stuck to greens for dinner, hubby tried a sandwich (please don't ask me to remember which one it was because, unfortunately, I don't... though I want to say it was the cheddar and turkey one).  The sandwich was served with a side of kale chips, which we both found surprisingly delicious.  The chips were salty and crunchy and almost melted in your mouth... it makes me wonder if all kale chips are that good, though probably not.  Hubby also got the quinoa of the day, which had beets and goat cheese. 

Hubby's healthy plate was not only good for you but just plain old delicious

Overall, the meal was outstanding.  Everything was fresh and tasty without being heavy.  The atmosphere at the Magnolia Cheese Company was laid back and welcoming, which only enhanced the eating experience.  It will definitely be a place that hubby and I return to... nothing wrong with a little wine and cheese.