Monday, October 22, 2012

Sisterly Love

After a crazy busy week, hubby and I were delighted to have my little sister come to visit.  We very affectionately call her Shorty, although she's not shorter than me anymore.  She lives in Boston and booked a flight the second she saw a picture of Maui... I don't know if I should feel so special about her visit if she just came for the dog.  It was such a fun weekend filled with shopping and hanging out with the dog and shopping and eating and, yes, more shopping.

My sister spent Friday sleeping in and hanging out while hubby and I went to work.  She also had plenty of quality time with her doggy niece... I never thought I would be one of those people who referred to their dogs as people.  Friday night, we went to Cane Rosso's mobile pizza oven at the Swiss Pastry Shop.  My sister loved it, and hubby and I realized we have a go to Friday dinner place.

Shorty documented her walk with the dog...

... and hanging out by the couch

On Saturday, we went to the new Paragon Outlet Mall in Grand Prairie.  The mall just opened in August, and the shops still looked so new and clean.  The weather was warm and breezy, which made walking the outlet mall a delight.  It was so wonderful to have my shopping buddy there with me.  My little sister always keeps me in line... making sure I don't miss out on a good deal and (great for hubby) making sure I don't buy something I already have.  It was quite a successful shopping trip for my sister and I and hubby, too.

So many bags and so much fun!

We spent Sunday running errands and trying to fit all my sister's purchases into her carry on bag.  We made a delicious brunch, which was reminiscent of the summer my sister and I spent together.  It was so nice to have her around and catch up.  Hubby and I are thrilled that she'll be joining for Thanksgiving in a month!

Maui was sad to see Shorty go, but she was even more sad to see the Jets lose.  =(

1 comment:

  1. Es un regalo del cielo tener una hermana para compartir algunos momentos en la vida, aun cuando estos sean simplemente un paseo por las tiendas.
    me siento muy feliz.
