Sunday, November 4, 2012

Freezer Meals: Part 3

After a week of lamb ragu, hubby was ready for something new.  This past week's freezer meal was the baked penne pasta.  Although it has a different name, it is essentially a version of baked ziti, and, therefore, it was delicious.  I had frozen the dish right before it was ready to put in the oven for it's final bake.  The day before we were ready to eat it, I put it in the fridge to defrost.  Once defrosted, it was a 40 minute bake away from being dinner.

Freezing the pasta did not affect the pasta overall.  Next time I would be more careful to wrap it since some reorganization and shuffling in the freezer caused some corners of the foil to lift up.  This and not enough sauce around the edges led to some crunchier pasta bits, but I happen to like my baked pasta with a bit of a crunch.  Other than that, the dish was fabulous.  It had the flavors of the sausage and sauce and tasted just as good as it smelled when I first assembled it.  Though you know what I say, how can something with pasta, tomato sauce, and sausage not be deliciosus?  Hubby and I easily finished the dish over the course of the week and didn't mind it even as a leftover.

I forgot to take a picture the first time around, but here is my second helping... yes, it was that good.

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