Friday, September 7, 2012

Reviewing Trader Joe's Butternut Squash Ravioli

Hubby is a huge fan of the fall.  Football starts up, the air is crisp (or hopefully will be soon in Fort Worth), apples are in season, and pumpkin is everywhere.  He has been counting down the days until Starbucks releases its pumpkin drinks and treats.  He even had me ask the lady at Einstein Bagels when their pumpkin shmear would be out.  FYI, Starbucks and Einstein's have already started selling their fall treats, so check them out if you are also obsessed with fall.

Thinking about the fall made hubby think of pumpkin, and the mascarpone cheese in our fridge made him think of pumpkin ravioli.  I added pumpkin ravioli to my shopping list and looked to see what was available.  Trader Joe's had fresh butternut squash ravioli, which was the closest I could find to pumpkin (which I realize is also a type of squash). 

I made the ravioli as instructed on the package and mixed in mascarpone cheese and a drizzle of maple syrup (an idea I got from the mascarpone cheese package).  The cheese easily melted into a creamy sauce for the ravioli.  At first bite, I felt as if I had been transported to a fancy Italian restaurant.  The filling was sweet and creamy with a delicious butternut squash flavor.  The cheese sauce added a richness to the dish, while the hint of maple syrup complimented the flavors of the filling.  Hubby absolutely loved it, wishing there was more for seconds.

The ravioli made a decadent dish we will definitely have again.

Since it's the fall and football season has started, I will leave you with a picture of the newest Jets fan...

J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!

1 comment:

  1. Rosario:
    La primera vez que supe de los" ravioli de calabaza" fué en el restaurante de Fulvio, el amigo de Pancho. Los tuyos con el sirope de maple son superiores y superexquisitos.
    Un festin para la vista y el gusto.
