Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maui's Day in the Park

Hubby and I have good friends who live in Dallas and have a border collie.  In hopes of socializing Maui, we all decided to go for a walk (and possible) swim in the park with Maui and her soon to be border collie buddy.  We went to White Rock Lake in Dallas, which is encircled by a great walking path and surrounded by beautiful houses.  Maui was thrilled to get out of the house and meet new people... she is a very social puppy.

We walked for a little while before finding a good place in the lake to go into the water.  It was Maui's first encounter with water outside of rain and her bath.  The border collie jumped right in knowing what awaited him in the water.  Maui followed him and was surprised when the once solid ground was water.  She successfully swam her way back to shore and was more tentative about going into the water the next time.

 Maui jumped in after the border collie and did a great job swimming.

 She took a break in the shade... the water was quite a shock for her.

 She was a little bit more careful about getting in the second time around.

She tried her hardest to be wherever the other dog was.

The border collie was a great swimmer and a wonderful example for Maui.

Here is hubby trying to help Maui into the water.

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