Friday, August 17, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner

I wasn't always a breakfast fan, but once I found some go-to favorites, I was in love.  Hubby is also a huge fan of breakfast, and when we were in New York, I would often treat him to a homemade breakfast.  In New York, we had a favorite brunch place (Community Food and Juice) and bagel place (Absolute Bagels).  With our favorites picked out, we didn't need to experiment too much and were able to enjoy a breakfast at home.

Now in Fort Worth, we've been searching for replacements for our New York go-to places, which means there have been less home cooked weekend breakfasts.  I think we may have come to the conclusion that there are no bagels like New York bagels.  I keep telling hubby that's it time to move on and eat breakfast tacos... because there are no breakfast tacos like Texas breakfast tacos.

Since we've been eating breakfast out on the weekends, we decided to do breakfast for dinner.  My favorite at-home breakfast is potatoes with eggs over easy and ham... and if I am feeling indulgent, cheese.  Last night we did scrambles since we had green chile tortillas.  I cooked up some potatoes (I buy frozen potatoes from Trader Joe's that come with peppers and onions... so good!) and warmed the green chile tortillas.  Hubby's scramble had green chiles, cheddar cheese, and ham (mine didn't have the chiles).  It was so good!  Like a breakfast hug on a plate.  It is much easier to appreciate the flavors of a meal when you aren't half asleep.  We will definitely be doing breakfast for dinner again.

I forgot to take pictures of the final product, but here are the ingredients.

Here's a close up of the chile.  We bought it roasted and took off the skin before cutting it up for the scramble.  These green chiles are special in such that they come from Hatch, NM. 

My parents are in town this weekend, and I'm sure there will be lots of sightseeing and restaurants to write about on Monday.  It's supposed to be a rainy weekend in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, though I still don't feel like 60% is big enough to make the day a wash out... that's what I get for living in the tropics.  I guess we'll see what that means in North Texas.

 Happy weekend everyone!


  1. Ah breakfast! My favorite meal. Have a great weekend.

  2. Rosario:
    No hay dudas que en el camino de The big Apple to Lone Star pasaron por South of the Border y empezaron a saborear la comida texana,
    El chile verde asado con la tortilla y.....los demas ingredientes creo es una magnifica combinación.
    Disfruta a tus papas
